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Strong women from the past who changed the future

A múlt erős női a jelen inspirációi. Akikre felnézünk a Nemzetközi Nőnap alkalmából.

Every year, we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. This day is the anniversary of  an event that occured in 1857 in New York City when working women who worked in the textile industry went on a strike for gender equality, wage equality and for reduced working hours. Feminism was still a new movement that time so women's rights were not that important yet.

On Women's Day NGOs are trying to point out that many women still suffer all around the world and gender equality is still not a general idea. Therefore we have decided that this year we'd like to honour storng women who changed the future and made the world a better place for us. Meet this three amazing and inspiring famous women whose work, philosophy and mindset changed the world for us. They are truly inspiring!

Mary Quant

The British fashion icon was a member of the Mod subculture in the 1960s. She lead the fashion revvolution of the era, and she became the women associated with the invention of the mini skirt and hot pants. This might sound like a small achievement, however, whe it comes to women's rights and emancipation, it was a giant leap. These new items were invented so that women could run, jump and move freely in their everyday lives. She reinvented fashion, introduced white, feminine collars, long men's vests worn as dresses for women and brought a new, fun perspective into the rigid world of fashion design.

Mary Quant A brit divatikon az 1960-as évek londoni Mod szubkultúra fontos alakja volt. A divatmozgalom élére állt, és a mai napig ő az egyik, akinek a nevéhez fűzzük a miniszoknya és a forrónaci elterjedését, ami a női emancipáció során ugyan egy aprócska, de annál figyelemre méltóbb előrelépés volt.

Coco Chanel

Tha most famous fashion designer in the world, founder of her own fashion house, she was the mother of haute couture and shaped women's fashion and aesthetics in the 20th century. She lay down the basis of modern fashion, turned the outrageous mini skirt into an everyday essential, invented the idea of the "little black dress", popularized tweed, pearls and manly shapes and styles in the name of gender equality. These were inspired by military uniforms and became the most elegant things a women could wear.
Chanel was an independent and strong women who dressed women from the USA to England. Her designs were chic, practical, elegant and comfortable therefore shaping the way women consume fashion.

Coco Chanel A világhírű tervező a francia divatház névadója és alapítója, akinek a haute couture-t köszönheti a divatszakma, valamint talán a legkiemelkedőbb alakként tartják számon a francia elegancia és a 20. század divatesztétika terén.

Diana Vreeland

The role model of successful women. After working as a respected journalist and editor for 30 years she became the editor-in-chief of Vogue and lead the most iconic fashion magazine from 1963 until 1971. She was the most important influencer in fashion and culture for nearly a decade. After her run at Vogue she became the head of the Fashion Institution of The Metropolitan Museum in New York. 
Her Influence was so strong on the fashion world, that her life was turned into a movie. She had such a great power over fashion designers that she shaped the world of fashion for years.

Diana Vreeland A munkájukban rendkívül sikeres, karrierista nők egyik legjobb példájaként lehet említeni Vreeland-et, aki közel 30 éven át dolgozott újságíróként, majd főszerkesztőként tevékenykedett sok éven át.

 Get inspired by our icons and honor them on International Women's Day through your outfit! Find all the featured pieces at our stores or online!

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