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HAAN - Blossom Elixir, a collection inspired by the healing powers of flower and plant-derived extracts

All this in a renewed, rechargeable guise in the spirit of nature conservation.
HAAN is a new generation of hand cleaner that effectively fights the viruses and bacteria around us thanks to its 65% alcohol content. Its natural ingredients and Aloe Vera help keep your skin hydrated even after multiple daily uses.
Thanks to its design and formula, HAAN Alcohol Moisturizing Hand Cleanser with Alcohol is the perfect companion for your everyday adventures. Enjoy every moment fearlessly with 5 different fragrances.
The spray is made from recycled PLA, reducing the company's ecological footprint.
The cap of the HAAN refill is unscrewed, the very end of the top of the spout is cut off securely enough to extract the liquid. With the cap of the HAAN Alcohol Hand Cleanser Moisturiser removed, remove the flexible silicone stopper and insert the refill into the larger opening. Fill the refill upside down for 6 seconds. Do not press the refill bag, otherwise the liquid may overflow and be wasted. After refilling, replace the flexible silicone stopper and replace the cap and you are ready to use your HAAN Alcohol Hand Cleanser.
Cleanses and protects thanks to 65% alcohol and moisturises with Aloe Vera. The alcohol dissipates quickly from your hands, leaving no unpleasant smell and no sticky hands like with similar gel or liquid hand sanitisers.
Skin type
Recommended for all skin types. As it contains Aloe Vera, it keeps the skin moisturised and there is no risk of drying and cracking, which would give the opportunity for viruses and bacteria to infect.
Specific properties
Dermatologically tested. Not tested on animals! Paraben-free. Vegan product.
Extremely easy to use. Two or three sprays of HAAN Alcohol Moisturising Hand Cleanser on your hands and you're protected from 99% of viruses and bacteria by spreading it over your entire finished surface.
We used 99.5% natural ingredients to create HAAN, with care for the environment.

HAAN - Blossom Elixir

Five mystical HAAN Pockets with delicious fragrances inspired by the healing powers of floral and plan-derived extracts. This collection is made out of cute and non-sticky hand sanitizers, that actually work and are good for your skin! Formulated with a liquid base and Aloe Vera, Blossom Elixir will keep you smelling flowery and feeling amazing throughout the day

  1. Spray until your hands are sufficiently covered.
  2. Shuffle fingertips in palm.
  3. Rub your hands inside and out.
  4. Rub between your fingers.
  5. Enjoy clean and soft hands.

Purifying Verbena – Natural essential oils that encapsulate the fresh and clean scent of verbena in a wonderful blend with citrus, flowers and fresh wood. Verbena is a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and even antibacterial.

Soothing Levander - An aromatic floral and green scent with some spicy spice that really puts you at ease. The medicinal use of lavender goes back a long way, as our grandmothers knew it was good for the skin, healing wounds and relieving anxiety.

BE – Healing Chrysants – Utántölthető  Healing Chrysants – Ezt a különleges illatot bazsalikom, kardamom és fehér virágok segítségével hoztuk létre neked. Mivel a krizantém ősszel virágzik, így melegséget és vidámságot hoz a tél előtt.

Healing Chrysants - This special fragrance is created for you with basil, cardamom and white flowers. Because chrysanthemums bloom in autumn, they bring warmth and cheer before winter.

BE – Bright Rose – Refill

BE – Bright Rose – Utántölthető  Bright Rose – Az édes rózsa illatába a muskátli visz egy leheletnyi ragyogást. A rózsaolaj segít csökkenteni a stresszt, mivel segíti az idegrendszer megnyugvását.

Bright Rose - The scent of sweet rose with a touch of geranium to add a touch of brilliance. Rose oil helps reduce stress by helping to calm the nervous system.

BE – Tranquil Camomile – Refill

BE – Tranquil Camomile – Utántölthető  Tranquil Camomile – A kamilla az ánizzsal lágy virágos illatot hoz létre egy csipetnyi édesgyökérrel és fás melegséggel. A kamilla megnyugtat, hogy minden álmod és vágyad teljesüljön.

Tranquil Camomile - Chamomile with aniseed creates a soft floral scent with a hint of liquorice and woody warmth. Chamomile soothes you so that all your dreams and desires come true.

We now have 15 types of HAAN hand sanitiser in special fragrances. Try and get your favourite scent!

 A Citrus Noon a mediterrán citrom és a tonik eszenciáját ötvözve jött létre, mindig emlékeztetve a nyárra és a barátokkal eltöltött estékre.  Sunset Fleur a tavaszi virágzó rétek hangulatát hozza el nekünk a barátokkal eltöltött piknikezésekre emlékeztetve.  Dew of Dawn a harmatos fű, friss füge és a frissen hántott fakéreg élénkségét hozza el nekünk.  A Morning Glory illata a reggeli ébresztő zöldtea és frissen facsart grapefruit illatát ötvözi.  A Wood Night az esti erdei séták meghitt pillanatait hordozza magában.

  • Citrus Noon - was created combining the essence of Mediterranean lemon and tonic, always a reminder of summer and evenings spent with friends.
  • Sunset Fleur brings us the atmosphere of spring meadows in bloom, reminiscent of picnics with friends.
  • Dew of Dawn brings us the vibrancy of dewy grass, fresh figs and freshly cut bark.
  • Morning Glory combines the scent of wake-up green tea and freshly squeezed grapefruit.
  • A Wood Night holds intimate moments of evening walks in the woods.
  • Manhattan Glacé – Gyümölcsös koktél málnával és szederrel, egy csipetnyi bergamott és mandarin a frissességért, amit a rebarbara tesz egységessé.  Spicy GingerAle – A gyömbér a pikáns kardamommal remek összhatást kelt, amit a borostyán, cédrus és a pézsma tökéletesen kiegészít.  Mojito Splash – A hűsítő menta és a citrusok igazán eltalált kombinációja.  Margarita Spirit – A Frissítő citrus korul ölelve finom fás illatokkal, amit a narancsvirág tesz teljessé.  Gentle Paloma – A Szantálfa cseresznyevirággal remek harmóniát alakít ki a szilvával és a fréziával.
  • Manhattan Glacé – A fruity cocktail with raspberry and blackberry, a hint of bergamot and tangerine for freshness, rounded off by rhubarb.
  • Spicy GingerAle– The ginger with the spicy cardamom is a great combination, perfectly complemented by amber, cedar and musk.
  • Mojito Splash– The right combination of refreshing mint and citrus.
  • Margarita Spirit– The refreshing citrus is embraced by delicate woody scents, rounded off by orange blossom.
  • Gentle Paloma– Sandalwood with cherry blossom creates a great harmony with plum and freesia.
Each HAAN fragrance has been carefully crafted by our noses to bring a unique scent into our lives.

HAAN takes care of you, wherever you are!