Don't forget that you can still enter our #szputnyikwishlist Instagram giveaway! As we have mentioned in the first episode of our mini-interview series (when we takled with the guys from Superstereo) there are a lot of cool guys who are into used and vintage clothing. Now about that, among other things, Anna Pásztor singer will talk to us whose extravagant style is to die for. Let's see how see wears must-have Szputnyik pieces!
What do you think of when you heat the word vintage?
For me vintage is a smell, a feeling a piece of the past wrepped in fabric.
What is your favorite Szputnyik item?
The giant, horrible, cheesy wedding dress that I got used and had worn it to many festivals.
In your opinion, what makes Szputnyik shop different from any other vintage stores of Budapest?
That is a thrift shop that has class and quality. Szputnyik is the coolest thrift boutique in Budapest.

What do you think of their contemporary, limited edition designer collection? Which pieces would you like to wear?
It's the fifth festival season I have been wearing their Punk Princess products. I wear amazing XXL taktops as dresses witch boots.
Do you wear Szputnyik pieces on stage or in your everyday life?
I sleep, live, perform and have sex in these.
Those who know you are aware that you prefer extravagant clothes. Is Szputnyik shop a match for that?
It was made for me!
If you'd like to enter our #szputnyikwishlist giveaway you can find all the information in this article! Don't miss out!
Interview: Ivett Zahorján, PS Magazin